Common Remora - Remora remora - Perch-likes - Perciformes
Common Remora
Greater Lantern Shark - Etmopterus princeps - Sharks - Squaliformes
Greater Lantern Shark
Gelatinous snailfish - Liparis fabricii - rockfishscorpionfishes - Scorpaeniformes
Gelatinous snailfish
Parin´s Spiny fin - Diretmichthys parini - otherfish - Beryciformes
Parin´s Spiny fin
Deep-sea Smelt - Bathylagus bericoides - otherfish - Osmeriformes
Deep-sea Smelt
Manefish - Platyberyx opalescens - Perch-likes - Beryciformes
Manefish - Platyberyx opalescens  - otherfish - Beryciformes
Sardina - Sardina_pilchardus - otherfish - Clupeiformes
Splendid alfonsino - Beryx splendens - otherfish - Beryciformes
Splendid alfonsino
Dragonfish - Flagellostomias boureei - lightfishesanddragonfishes - Stomiiformes
Jewel Lanternfish - Lampanyctus crocodilus - otherfish - Myctophiformes
Jewel Lanternfish
European river lamprey - Lampetra fluviatilis - otherfish - Hyperoartia
European river lamprey
Blue Antimora - Antimora rostrata - Cods - Gadiformes
Blue Antimora
Smallmouth Spiny Eel - Polyacanthonotus rissoanus - Elopiformes - Notacanthiformes
Smallmouth Spiny Eel
Hairlip brotula - Cataetyx laticeps - otherfish - Ophidiiformes
Hairlip brotula
-Eelpout - Lycodes frigidus - Perch-likes - Perciformes
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