Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus - Herbivores - Artiodactyla
Ringed seal - Phoca hispida - Seals - Pinnipedia
Ringed seal
Ringed Seal - Phoca hispida - Seals - Pinnipedia
Ringed Seal
Ringed seal - Phoca hispida - Seals - Pinnipedia
Ringed seal
Hoary bat - Lasiurus cinereus - othermammals - Chiroptera
Hoary bat
Dog, Icelandic - Canis familiaris - Carnivores - canidae
Dog, Icelandic
House mouse - Mus musculus - rodents - Rodentia
House mouse
House mouse - Mus musculus - rodents - Rodentia
House mouse
House Mouse - Mus musculus - rodents - Rodentia
House Mouse
House mouse - Mus musculus - rodents - Rodentia
House mouse
House Mouse - Mus musculus - rodents - Rodentia
House Mouse
Incan shrew opossum - Caenolestes inca - Marsupials - paucituberculata
Incan shrew opossum
Polar bear - Ursus maritimus - Carnivores - ursidae
Polar bear
Aardwark - Orycteropus afer - othermammals - tabulidentata
Bearded seal - Erignathus barbatus - Seals - Pinnipedia
Bearded seal
European Rabbit - Oryctolagus cuniculus - othermammals - Lagomorpha
European Rabbit
Photos 97 - 112 of 252. Page 7 of 16.
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