Black rat - Rattus rattus - rodents - Rodentia
Black rat
Black rat - Rattus rattus - rodents - Rodentia
Black rat
Long-eared bat - Lonchorhina aurita - othermammals - Chiroptera
Long-eared bat
Pig - sus - Herbivores - Artiodactyla
Tasmanian devil - Sarcophilus harrisii - Marsupials - Dasyuromorphia
Tasmanian devil
Nathusius´s Pipistrelle - Pipistrellus nathusii - othermammals - Chiroptera
Nathusius´s Pipistrelle
North american porcupine - Erethizon dorsatum - rodents - Rodentia
North american porcupine
Long-nosed Tree Shrew  - Tupaia tana - othermammals - Scadentia
Long-nosed Tree Shrew
Chacoan peccary - Catagonus wagneri - Herbivores - Artiodactyla
Chacoan peccary
Aurochs - Bos taurus - Herbivores - Artiodactyla
Grey Seal - Halicoerus gryphus - Seals - Pinnipedia
Grey Seal
Grey Seal - Halicoerus gryphus - Seals - Pinnipedia
Grey Seal
Grey Seal - Halicoerus gryphus - Seals - Pinnipedia
Grey Seal
Common wombat - Vambatus ursinus - Marsupials - diprotodontia
Common wombat
Water buffalo. - Bubalus bubalis - Veljiđ category - Artiodactyla
Water buffalo.
Water opossum - Chironectes minimus - Marsupials - didelphimorphia
Water opossum
Photos 225 - 240 of 252. Page 15 of 16.
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