Field Forget-me-not - Myosotis arvensis - Dicotyledonous - Borginaceae
Field Forget-me-not
Various-leaved Pondweed - Potamogeton gramineus - otherplants - Potamogetonaceae
Various-leaved Pondweed
Various-leaved Pondweed - Potamogeton gramineus - otherplants - Potamogetonaceae
Various-leaved Pondweed
Various-leaved Pondweed - Potamogeton gramineus - Monocotyledones - Potamogetonaceae
Various-leaved Pondweed
Dwarf Willow - Salix herbacea - Dicotyledonous - Salicaceae
Dwarf Willow
Blue sedge, Gray carex - Carex flacca - Monocotyledones - Cyperaceae
Blue sedge, Gray carex
-Aspen - Populus x canescens - Dicotyledonous - Salicaceae
-Aspen - Populus x canescens - Dicotyledonous - Salicaceae
-Aspen - Populus x canescens - Dicotyledonous - Salicaceae
Scandinavian Small-reed - Calamagrostis purpurea - otherplants - Poaceae
Scandinavian Small-reed
Scandinavian Small-reed - Calamagrostis purpurea - otherplants - Poaceae
Scandinavian Small-reed
Greater Broad-leaved Plantain - Plantago major - Dicotyledonous - Plantaginaceae
Greater Broad-leaved Plantain
Yellow Marsh Saxifrage - saxifraga hirculus - Dicotyledonous - Saxifragaceae
Yellow Marsh Saxifrage
Kidney Vetch - Anthyllis vulneraria - Dicotyledonous - Fabaceae
Kidney Vetch
Alpine Cinquefoil - Potentilla crantzii - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Alpine Cinquefoil
Lesser Yellow Saxifrage - saxifraga aizoides - Dicotyledonous - Saxifragaceae
Lesser Yellow Saxifrage
Photos 113 - 128 of 405. Page 8 of 26.
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