Dulse - Palmaria palmata - Algae - Rhodophyceae
Dulse Seaweed - Palmaria palmata - Algae - Rhodophyceae
Dulse Seaweed
Silverweed - Potentilla anserina - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Amphibious Bistort - Persicaria amphibia - Dicotyledonous - Polygonacea
Amphibious Bistort
Bottle Sedge - Carex rostrata - Monocotyledones - Cyperaceae
Bottle Sedge
Bottle sedge - Carex rostrata - otherplants - Cyperaceae
Bottle sedge
Bottle Sedge - Carex rostrata - otherplants - Cyperaceae
Bottle Sedge
Brittle Bladder Fern - Cystopteris fragilis - Ferns - Athyriaceae
Brittle Bladder Fern
Brittle Bladder Fern - Cystopteris fragilis - Ferns - Athyriaceae
Brittle Bladder Fern
Brittle Bladder Fern - Cystopteris fragilis - Ferns - Athyriaceae
Brittle Bladder Fern
Brittle Bladder Fern - Cystopteris fragilis - Ferns - Athyriaceae
Brittle Bladder Fern
Arctic Buttercup - Ranunculus hyperboreus - Dicotyledonous - Ranunculaceae
Arctic Buttercup
Narrow leaf bur-reed - Sparganium angustifolium - otherplants - typhaceae
Narrow leaf bur-reed
Yellow sedge - Carex flava - Monocotyledones - Cyperaceae
Yellow sedge
Flame-tipped Louseworth Upright lousewort - Pedicularis flammea - Dicotyledonous - Scrophulariaceae
Flame-tipped Louseworth Upright lousewort
Moonwort - Botrychium lunaria - Ferns - Ophioglossaceae
Photos 353 - 368 of 405. Page 23 of 26.
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