Sea-campion - Silene acaulis - Dicotyledonous - Caryophyllaceae
Bogbean - Menyanthes trifoliata - Dicotyledonous - Menyanthaceae
Bogbean - Menyanthes trifoliata - otherplants - Menyanthaceae
Colt´s Foot - Tussilago farfara - Dicotyledonous - Asteraceae
Colt´s Foot
Marsh-marigold - Caltha palustris - Dicotyledonous - Ranunculaceae
Scheuchzer´s Cottongrass - eriophorum scheuchzeri - Monocotyledones - Cyperaceae
Scheuchzer´s Cottongrass
Laydy Smock - Cardamine nymanii - Dicotyledonous - Cruciferae
Laydy Smock
Russet Sedge - Carex saxatilis - otherplants - Cyperaceae
Russet Sedge
Russet Sedge / Rock Sedge - Carex saxatilis - otherplants - Cyperaceae
Russet Sedge / Rock Sedge
Longfoot Orach - Atriplex longipes - Dicotyledonous - Chenopodiaceae
Longfoot Orach
Common Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum - Dicotyledonous - Hippocastanaceae
Common Horse Chestnut
Common Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum - Dicotyledonous - Hippocastanaceae
Common Horse Chestnut
Common Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum - Dicotyledonous - Hippocastanaceae
Common Horse Chestnut
Iceland Rush - Juncus arcticus ssp intermedius - Monocotyledones - Juncaceae
Iceland Rush
Oarweed Tangle Kelp - Laminaria digitata - Algae - Phaeophyceae
Oarweed Tangle Kelp
Stone Bramble - Rubus saxatilis - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Stone Bramble
Photos 161 - 176 of 405. Page 11 of 26.
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