Wall-pepper - Sedum acre - Dicotyledonous - Crassulaceae
Common Silver Birch - Betula pendula - Dicotyledonous - Betulaceae
Common Silver Birch
Common Silver Birch - Betula pendula - Dicotyledonous - Betulaceae
Common Silver Birch
Common Silver Birch - Betula pendula - Dicotyledonous - Betulaceae
Common Silver Birch
Looseflower alpine sedge - Carex rariflora - otherplants - Cypriniformes
Looseflower alpine sedge
Loose flowered Sedge - Carex rariflora - otherplants - Cyperaceae
Loose flowered Sedge
Perfoliate Pondweed - Potamogeton perfoliatus - Monocotyledones - Potamogetonaceae
Perfoliate Pondweed
Quaking-grass - Briza media - otherplants - Poaceae
Sheperd´s Purse - Capsella bursa-pastoris - Dicotyledonous - Cruciferae
Sheperd´s Purse
Heart-leaved Twayblade /Lesser Tw. - Listera cordata - Dicotyledonous - Orchidaceae
Heart-leaved Twayblade /Lesser Tw.
Thinstem lady
Thinstem lady's-mantle
Capitate Sedge - Carex capitata - otherplants - Cyperaceae
Capitate Sedge
Knotted Pearlwort - Sagina nodosa - Dicotyledonous - Caryophyllaceae
Knotted Pearlwort
Mountain Avens - Dryas octopetala - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Mountain Avens
Mountain Avens - Dryas octopetala - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Mountain Avens
Mountain Avens - Dryas octopetala - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Mountain Avens
Photos 145 - 160 of 405. Page 10 of 26.
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